Welcome to Suji n' Grommet's 2016 Litter!
Babies BORN April 17th, 2016!!!
Dibs List; First Deposit/First Served Pick
There are a ton of pictures of Suji n' Grommet on their last litter's pages. I'll put some new ones here soon. Stay tuned.
Ted n' Mary are braving number two. This little girl is going to live with her big 1/2 brother Zachy/Max. No deposit necessary on repeats. They informed me of their wishes on 07/30/2015 They're seriously considering a Long Coat and her new name will be "Misty". Max and Misty. Has a ring to it. hehe
This little guy is going to live with his big sister Ruby/Sophie from Suji's "Gems" litter. He's going to love his new people Peter and Kathleen. Contact 09/05/2015 Baby's new name is Sumo. Just look at the guy!
He's getting a new little sister out of one of the upcoming litters. He was out of the first litter of our second generation. Grandpa Mac's namesakes.
This BIG beautiful girl is Payton/Akasha. She's getting a new baby brother soon too. She really looks like her daddy.
This is Zachy/Max a couple years ago. Are you guys sure you're ready for this? hehe Max is getting a new little sister. He's just going to love her. >
You can see how they just keep getting thicker.
Probably one of my all time favorites. Suji Moo and baby Rogue/Rogue. They kept her name Rogue. Happy, pretty, girls!
A couple of adorable baby pictures of Ruby/Sophie. She's expecting a new little brother.
< She would have had all four feet in the ice cream bucket but she wasn't quite coordinated enough. hehehe
This makes three babies going to live with family. Emerald/Shugo wants a little sister. Shan-Aan says they couldn't love Shugo more. She wrote me on 12/31/2015. Baby's new name is Kaya.
I think Suji is butting in line and will have litter 18 before we have litter 17. Typical.
Here's Suji Mokushi today, just a couple weeks into this pregnancy. I can already tell we're cookin'!
"Suji Mokushi" means striped spot or, spotted stripe, in Japanese. :P) Can't remember. She's got a stripe down her face and the other is quite obvious, but, this is why we let Pete name most of the dogs. hehe
Don't look now Suji but I think the evidence is written all over your nose. What did you do with that bone I just gave you? Hmmmmm?
I'll get more shots as we progress. Don't worry, I'll save plenty of room for baby pictures. 44 MORE DAYS!!!
It's 04/03/2016 and this is fatso with SIXTEEN DAYS TO GO!!
Now it's 04/15/2016 and below, fatso, with FIVE DAYS TO GO!!
She's usually early so I'm thinkin' this weekend!
She looks dirty but I think that's mostly shadows. It was pitch black outside when I took these tonight. I finally got caught up on tax returns. I've got a couple to finish up then I'm done for this season! Course we always have a handful that have filed extensions...
She's pretty big and they've already dropped. It won't be long now!! Pray for us please and stay tuned!!
Babies are here!!! April 17, 2016
#1 BOY Born April 17th 2016 at roughly 8:30 a.m. Didn't know he was coming so soon. I walked Suji at 6 and there weren't any indicators. Couple hours later I was here at my desk, still doing tax returns, and I heard a little squeak. His new human gamma' was right on that. He's got white toes in the front and back and a large white tip on his tail. Lots of white on his tummy and legs.
#2 GIRL Born 10:16 a.m. She's got a white knee sock and a crescent moon shaped thing on the back of her neck She also has the white tip on her tail but not as white as little boy #1.
#3 GIRL Born 10:32 a.m. Apparently she was in a rush to get here. She's got matching white knee socks and tons of white on her and tummy. My guess is she's a long coat. The ones with the most white are usually the long coats in this family.
#4 GIRL She didn't show up until almost 2 1/2 hours later at 12:45. Stillborn. I couldn't get her to wake up and I tried really hard for about 45 minutes until the next baby arrived. I think she was just in there too long.
#5 GIRL Born at 1:30 p.m. She's really dark. Hardly any white at all. No tip on her tail and only a couple white toes in the back. I think Suji has had another pup dark like this. I just can't remember who he was.
You can compare these guys to pups from previous litters and get a pretty good idea of how they'll look when they get big.
Sorry, fell asleep in this chair.
Their first day and everbody seems fat and sassy. Mama didn't want to leave them to go outside this morning.
Now if I can keep their mother from laying on them for the next 13 days we'll be in the clear. 13 days cuz that's the oldest we've had a squish victim.
They're just beautiful little miracles. Really wish she would have had more. I have taxes to do today but then I'm going to give my full attention to babies and seriously spend some time finding another mama dog.
Daddy isn't happy with the situation. He hates when I'm in the puppy room where he can't be. That would probably explain why I'm missing a moccasin. I've looked everywhere. ???
Soon we'll come up with some nicknames so we don't have to call them 1, 2, 3 and 4. It will be really easy caring for such a small litter but I'm really sorry to disappoint all the families who are waiting for a new friend. Whiskey will help us solve the problem. Not the alcohol, the dog. Although the alcohol couldn't hurt either. I've been checking her daily. Keep your fingers crossed. Maybe it's Ted and Mary's fault. They want another swimmer puppy. hehehe Stay tuned, more baby pictures soon.
The padded part of her nose will turn black.
04/20/2016 Happy Birthday to my Step Daddy Jack!!! Babies are 3 days old. No nicknames yet. We're workin' on it.
I took these first four yesterday.
Weighed them today. #4 the dark girl is the heaviest at a pound and a half. Then #1 the Boy. He's a pound and a quarter.
The other two girls, #2 & #3, are both right at about a pound. #3 may be an ounce or two lighter.
Their mother didn't appreciate me messin' with um' so I had to hurry. They'll get big fast cuz there's no competition for the chow line.
Today nobody looks long coated. What do you guys think? I'll have a pretty good idea by three weeks.
Ted and Mary get to decide who's Misty first. Then Shan-Aan. She's leaning towards the dark girl. Maybe #4 will be Kaya?
Kat and Steve, what are you guys thinking? Wanna' wait and see who's not chosen before you decide whether to wait for Whiskey?
Nicknames? Maybe we should go with something Presidential? Election year and all. Bernie, Hillary, Donald and Canadian? hehe Stay tuned!
Normally I don't tie my dogs and I don't want the pups ever tied out either. Just getting her out of the kennel for a tad.
I usually walk Suji every day to get her out of that small kennel.
Suji lives in the house with Grommet and I but I have a friend staying with a strange cat and parrot. Suji would eat them in an instant.
04/21/2016 Babies are 4 days old.
Shan-Aan came up with Mountain Nicknames;
#1 Boy = Everest
#2 Girl = Fuji
#3 Girl = Rainier
#4 Girl = Denali
Thanks Shan-Aan!!
Look at how much bigger #4 Denali is.
Or, it could be Everest. I forgot.
Her nose is already getting black.
Their mama is doing a really good job and my buddy found a place so Suji will be able to stay in the house with us now.
I never thought I'd love anybody as much as I loved Grom's Daddy.
04/22/2016 Babies are 5 days old. They're looking more and more like little people now. Less like pink scrawny baby rats.
Denali and Everest look a lot alike only Everest has white toes in the front. Fuji and Rainier are kinda' looking like long coats. But, until 3-4 weeks I'm just guessing.
I got the manual out for the camera. I'm going to see if I can figure out how to get video on here. That would be fun! And ADORABLE!!!
Daddy Grommet before he realized I had the camera. The very next shot had to be deleted cuz it shows a blurry Grommet leaving the area. :)
04/23/2016 Babies will be a week old tomorrow.
So, I read the camera manual and I was able to record a short 59 second video of the kids having their dinner. It's probably very boring unless one of these babies is going to be yours. Maybe even then, but, I was able to get it off the camera and on to the computer. I could even watch it. But, when I tried to send it to the chat group it said it was a very large file and I needed to go to some program and download some other program... I thought I'd see if it would actually send it, via e-mail, without having to do all that crap. It was taking FOREVER! Said like 168,000+ KB or MB, can't remember, so I deleted the mail and headed here. I click on "image" as I always do and go to where the video is supposed to be but it's gone. If I go back into my e-mail, and click on attach, the video is right where I left it. Never easy is it?
"If at first you don't succeed, try, try again."
This little girl is going to live with Drew and Dexter down in Missouri. Drew used to be an Akita breeder and we're glad to welcome him into our Akita family. Deposit 04/24/2016 Baby's new name is Ezra.
Sorry to say I don't think this Window's Media Player is compatible with Windows 10. Going to have to figure out something because seeing the videos of the puppies is really cool.
04/25/2016 Babies were a week old yesterday. Eyes will probably open at the end of the week and they'll start cruisin' around pretty soon too.
Seems Denali has her very own personal recliner.
And below is Everest acting like an Akita already. Look at that cute chubby tummy!
Denali and Everest are already showing some independence and everybody has a nice fat tummy. They'll get big fast cuz there are only four at the chow line.
On Sunday they'll get their first de-worming and then every two weeks after that until they go to their new forever homes.
The weather is gorgeous so they'll be able to play out on the deck as soon as they brave going out there. It's fun to see who the brave ones are and who the hesitant ones are. Let's bet; I think Denali will be the first. Something tells me she's alpha. As you can see, Everest is already conquering the "Big Dope" thing so he'll probably accidently fall out the door on to the deck. hehehe My predictions.
04/26/2016 My little precious babies are 9 days old. Somebody was complaining so I went in and found Rainier out in the middle of the puppy room. Not really sure how she managed that. I was just in there and her mother was still in the cage with the other three. Funny, Rainier has this squeaky bark kinda' thing. Haven't heard anything quite like it. :) So far she's the most active and complains the most but there haven't been too many complaints.
They're starting to become aware of each other.
There's boy > boy. He doesn't care about stuff. He's going to be one of those, "...just don't call me late for dinner...", kinda' guys.
White tip? Then Everest >
Everest rolled offa' his sister and then just stayed like that. Pretty funny.
< Wish you could see his adorable bear head a little better. Well, there will be a ton more opportunities.
That tells > me we won't be having any hip issues with that girl. :)
04/28/2016 Babies are 11 days old now. I can't wait until they start cruisin' around.
Isn't it amazing how fast they grow. Suji is being a wonderful mama. I don't have to check them quite as often now.
04/29/2016 Babies are a dozen days old. Eyes are opening. You might even see some in the pictures. I sure hope that flash doesn't hurt their eyes.
The other Kita parents are probably going to feel ripped off cuz I've never added pictures every day like this. I've just never had the time before. I'm slacking off on everything else I'm supposed to be doing. :)
Fuji was the first to walk, if you can call it that.
??? Without a foot, or the tip of the tail, I dunno'
< That has to be Everest. Denali doesn't have a white tip on her tail. Or it's a tiny tiny one.
Rain's coat is looking longer in these shots.
I'll weigh them again on Sunday when I de-worm them for the first time. Denali is still the biggest and Fuji is the smallest. Doesn't mean anything at this age. Except maybe that Fuji isn't as pushy as the others. :P)
Anybody got any puppies who look like little black bears?
05/01/2016 Babies are two weeks old and have pretty much doubled in size.
Denali is still the biggest at 3 3/4 lbs.
Followed by Everest who is about 3 1/2 lbs.
Can you see the little black dots on her nose? The dots get more abundant and then they get bigger until the whole nose is filled in with black.

Fuji and Rain both weighed just over 3 1/4 lbs. I de-wormed them for the first time today. They all found that rather interesting. Won't be as easy the next time. I think I'll start feeding them puppy chow slop by this time next weekend. Help their mama out a little. They don't need it but can't hurt. I mix "Purina Puppy Chow" with hot water, wait until it gets soggy, and mash it with a potato masher. Then I add more hot water so it's warm and maybe some powdered milk. By the time they're ready to leave they'll be eating dry Puppy Chow. If I get up to the dog food lady I'll get some "Iams" puppy too. Then I'll mix the two. That way you guys can get either and it won't loosen their stools. I totally trust those two brands of puppy food. If you want to switch to any other puppy food it's best to do it gradually. Puppy Chow comes in two varieties and either is okay but I like the one that's just tan and brown chunks as opposed to the other which has all different colors. I prefer they don't get the dyes. I've used Purina products for over 4 decades but if we feed the adults "Purina Dog Chow" we always mix it with canned food. It's main ingredient is corn. If you're going to feed strictly dry food then you need to get something that has MEAT as the first ingredient. Purina Lamb & Rice or Purina One. Check the labels.
"E" - Everest's new name is Sumo so we may as well start calling him that. Two of the girls have new names too but we don't know which ones yet. First pick girl family, Ted and Mary, are coming up next weekend. Then we'll probably know more.
05/03/2016 Babies are 16 days old and they're starting to cruise around. Fuji is the most advanced of the four. She actually comes to me when I talk to her. The other three, not so much. They're big and fat and lazy.