Welcome to Page #2 of Suji n' Grommet's 2015 litter.
Born May 7, 2015
Last Update; June 18, 2015
06/04/2015 My babies are four weeks old today!
I tried to coax them out on to the deck today but that didn't fly. Only Rogue came out and stayed with me.
Rogue is the smallest and the most brave. She wants to be with me at any cost. She is a long coat. So is Beast. I'm sure of it now. Fuzzy
They don't even care about the kitty who is really the only one who wanted out. Cuzzz she's not supposed to be out.
Chad is leaning toward Colossus.
Troy n' Kristin like Gambit.
^ Beast, see, long coat, with puppy slop on his head. He's the watch dog in the group. He gives out a bark if anything is not quite right.
Gambit was actually the first out on the deck but he didn't stay long. I make a big deal about the deck because it shows me who is more confident and who is more shy and who I need to work with a little more. Jubilee was in the puppy room beating the crap out of somebody so I picked her up and put her on the deck. Said, "Now who's the tough guy?" She sat there a minute and headed back in. She wasn't so sassy after that. :) She's going to be big and naughty. She is the second biggest puppy right now. Followed by Gambit and Jean.
They got second de-worming today.
Hope and the gang will be up this weekend and will probably pick their girl.
Colossus never came near the door. I don't think he's afraid. He just doesn't care. :)
I'll get more of Storm and Rogue and Colossus next time.
06/05/2015 My babies were four weeks old yesterday!
Another THANK YOU to Mike and Hope for the camera. I wouldn't be taking this many pictures if I were still dealing with the old camera! And, THANK YOU Pete for volunteering to hold the babies for some close ups.
We got some extras of Storm cuz we lost count. hehehe
< Sabilla "Billy". Hopefully she's next!
06/10/2015 Babies will be five weeks old tomorrow. That's hard to believe.
I figured out a way to coax the kids out on the deck. :) As you can see, it worked!
I took these on the eighth of June.
Rogue comes right out with me. She kinda' follows me around. I tried treats but Beasty boy was the only one who fell for that. With puppy slop on his nose.
They're starting the naughty stage already. Jubilee drew first blood but now they're all biting me.
These were taken the 9th.
Jubilee playing pig slotter with Gambit.
I think Rogue is the sweetest baby girl. She's very people oriented. She's going to be the best friend somebody has ever had.
Storm doesn't have a very fitting nickname. She is probably the most laid back. I hardly know she's around.
They are all eating hard/dry puppy food now, though I still feed them their slop a couple times a day. I have their dry food in a wall mounted accessory holder for the vacuum cleaner. Welllll, I have two, and it helps keep the pups from spilling and wasting a lotta' puppy food. Stuff ain't cheap. :) The photo above shows somebody with their head in it.
They are eating a mixture of "Diamond", "Iams" and "Purina" puppy food. They seem to prefer the "Purina". You can give them any of those brands or you can switch to whatever you prefer. They're only to have puppy food for their first six months then it's suggested to go to adult food. It's very important that they don't get too much heavy exercise while they're growing.
As you can see, they're being "free fed". Meaning, they can eat whenever they want. There is a constant supply. Works great for me cuz I can be sure they're getting all they want. The little ones don't get shoved aside and starve. Doesn't work so well for house breaking. If you feed three times a day, as required for babies, then you'll know they have to go out after they eat. If you free feed it'll be hit and miss. :)
If you have any questions feel free to drop me a line, or phone, ANYTIME! You're also welcome to pose any questions to the chat group. They're always willing to help.
We're going to the little girls birthday party this weekend. That will be a big adventure. I'll be able to watch the babies and see how they react to stuff. Oughta' be a trip. :) I asked the lady to ask the parents if photos were okay. I'm sure they'll be fine with that so I should have some adorable pictures for you guys on Sunday. Assuming I survive. :)
06/12/2015 Babies were five weeks old yesterday. I think Jubilee and Rogue are available.
Nope, no domination or control issues around here. :)
Our new adventure for today was the puppy pool. It was empty. That's how much rain we got yesterday. As usual, Rogue is the only one who didn't scramble to escape. Once again proving that the long coats take everything in stride. I didn't get everybody in there. Just whomever got close enough to grab.
Who wants to come over and clip the 126 toenails? We'll let your vets do it. :)
< Storm chewin' on Daddy's bone, which somehow became Mama's bone.
Still pretty sure that Gambit and Jubilee are alpha. Storm and Colossus are the most laid back, and, the last two to venture out on the deck.
Beast and Rogue are the happiest. Both would rather be with me then anywhere else. They HELP me clean the puppy room while everybody else is playing outside. Puppies are a BIG help. Beast is in the Akita "I don't want to" or "Let's play" < position. Usually naughty. :)
Jean's new mommy is going to need to stock up on stuff you can carry around in your mouth. :)
Tomorrow we'll have our big adventure going to a little girl's birthday party.
I plan to bring the camera and get some really cute shots!
06/14/2015 Babies are about 5 1/2 weeks.
The new adventure today is freedom into the hallway. They can see into the kitchen and they can see me working and both parents in my living/office/dining room. Only problem, gamma' now has to climb a puppy gait to get to the bathroom. :)
The puppy party was a TOTAL HIT! The mom suggested I do it for a living. I'm thinkin', puppies yes, little humans, not so much. :)
< She's doin' the good puppy test for ya Beau and Sam. Storm/Maya passed with flying colors!
I only took five pups cuz of the mess in my car with so many and also I didn't wanna' leave their mother alone. Just happened to be five little girls and they all grabbed a pup and kept the same one the whole time. FABULOUS FOR ME!!!
< Cute little neighbor girl stopped for a minute. She told me that she would take Rogue as soon as her older dog died.
Chloe, the birthday girl, with Gambit/Jax.
I can't remember the little humans' names. We did ask permission to put them here. :)
Their first time on grass, first car ride. Most of the babies were a little shy at first. Not Roque. She was checking everything out and havin' a blast!
Okay, you know which little human has your puppy. The neighbor girl went home. I'm not going to label any more. :)
They had a pool room rented at the neighborhood pool but I think they would have rather stayed and played with the puppies. I couldn't get the girls out of my car.
Oh, she's back. She gravitates toward Rogue every time.
Okay, we're back home safe and sound. Whew, the pups were perfect. No poo in the car or at the party. Amazingly precious little things!
Jubilee and Rogue are available.
06/18/2015 My babies are SIX WEEKS OLD TODAY!! Amazing. They are starting to poo like baby buffalo. And of course, now that they think the deck is really a cool place to be, I can't let them out there very long because of the mosquitoes.
I'm going to try to take extra shots of Storm/Maya cuz we can't fly her out to Beau and Samantha for a couple weeks. Most of these guys will be leaving next weekend.

I let them in the hallway now. They can see me working and their parents lounging. Not stuck in the puppy room. I've only seen one little wet spot in the hall. They're all going back into the puppy room to go potty. I think if you put a piece of newspaper by the door you want them to go out that will be a great indicator that they have to go. If they start smelling around on the newspaper grab um', as fast as you can, and get them out to where you want them to go. Akitas are very clean so if you show them where in the yard you want them to go they'll go there forever. Also, this is a little tough but necessary. NO PLAYING OUTSIDE until they know what they're out there for. Pee, Poop, Praise and back in the house. In the house you can play and feed and put back in the crate if you're crate training. In a couple hours, out of the crate, into the yard, pee, poop, praise and back in the house. If you can be consistent they'll be potty trained in a couple weeks.
IMPORTANT REMINDER!!! Puppies CAN NOT go anywhere other dogs have been until they've had ALL OF THEIR SHOTS!!! That means no rest stops on the way home. You can use just about anywhere cuz people don't get angry when CUTE little puppies are pooping in their yard. Any fast food restaurant or gas station. Unless it's a tourist place... As long as you pick up after them of course. Bring paper towels and maybe a couple empty bread bags for poo. Pete even takes his shoes off when he visits the pups cuz he walks in the woods all the time. I NEVER put the babies down at the vet's office either and I politely ask the nurse/ass't. to re-wash the exam table. They may not like it but, tough!!! No puppy classes until they've had their shots. If you find a class that takes pups, without shots, I'd stay clear of them. Dogs you know don't count. If they were/are sick, especially with Parvo, you'd know it. Also, anybody planning on using a puppy day care, please tell the caregivers that the puppy should NOT play too hard and/or try to keep up with older dogs. Unless you wanna' pay for ACL operations I think we've had three pups now who have injured their joints playing too rough at day care.

I'm running out of ideas to keep them busy. I just got a new mailbox so what the heck. Throw the box in there. They played with that for hours.
They'll get their third de-worming today. That oughta' take care of that. :)
Their registration papers came and I'll include a little note for your vet. They have NOT had any shots. Just deworming.
Sorry I talk so much but typing that just saved me from having to repeat myself SEVEN times. :) Most of you have heard it before.